Obstacle Detection
This example shows how to use the ultrasonic sensor to detect an obstacle and sound an alarm, as well as change the EV3 brick light color.
""" obstacle.py
Use the ultrasonic sensor to detect a distance threshold.
Connect ultrasonic sensor to port number 1.
# Importing modules and classes
import time
import numpy as np
from pyev3.brick import LegoEV3
from pyev3.devices import Ultrasonic
# Defining parameters
tstop = 10 # Execution loop duration (s)
talarm = 0.5 # Alarm beeping interval (s)
distmin = 10 # Minimum distance for alarm (cm)
# Creating LEGO EV3 objects
ev3 = LegoEV3()
usonic = Ultrasonic(ev3, portnum=1, inputmode='distance')
# Initializing current time stamp and starting clock
tprev = 0
tcurr = 0
tstart = time.perf_counter()
# Running execution loop
print('Running for', tstop, 'seconds ...')
while tcurr <= tstop:
# Getting current distance to obstacle
distcurr = usonic.output
# Checking for distance threshold
if distcurr < distmin:
# Updating previous time and getting current time (s)
tprev = tcurr
tcurr = time.perf_counter() - tstart
# Sounding alarm every `talarm` seconds if minimum distance is violated
if (np.floor(tcurr/talarm) - np.floor(tprev/talarm)) == 1:
print('Distance = ', distcurr)
if distcurr < distmin:
ev3.play_tone(volume=20, frequency=880, duration = 0.1)
# Closing brick connection