Send direct commands to the EV3 from your PC using a USB or WiFi connection. pyev3 is an alternative to pybricks, which requires booting the EV3 brick from an SD card, and where micropython programs run in the brick’s memory. With pyev3 you can use Python to run the EV3 as is. Just connect it to a USB port, or create a WiFi connection, and you’re good to go!
Step 1: Install pyev3
If you already have Python and an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to go along with it, just install the pyev3 package:
>>> py -m pip install pyev3
Otherwise, start by installing Python and then an IDE. Want to code like a pro? I strongly encourage VSCode.
Step 2: Code away!
Once the pip
installation has finished, reference the different classes in the menu
on the left to see how to interact with motors, sensors and the EV3 brick itself.
Below is an example code where you can also start and stop the motor using the touch sensor. The motor speed is proportional to the ambient light intensity!
# Importing modules and classes
import time
from pyev3.brick import LegoEV3
from pyev3.devices import Motor, Touch, Color
# Creating LEGO EV3 objects
ev3 = LegoEV3(commtype='usb')
motor = Motor(ev3, port='A')
touch = Touch(ev3, portnum=1, inputmode='bump')
color = Color(ev3, portnum=2, inputmode='ambient')
# Initializing system
motor.outputmode = 'speed'
motor.output = 0
# Changing EV3 status light
# Running for 30 seconds
print('Running ...')
tcurr = 0
tstart = time.perf_counter()
while tcurr <= 30:
# Getting current time (s)
tcurr = time.perf_counter() - tstart
# Checking for even/odd number of 'bumps'
if (touch.output % 2) == 0:
# Assigning ZERO speed output
motor.output = 0
# Assigning output proportional to ambient light
motor.output = color.output
# Stopping motor and closing EV3 connection
Issues and questions
If you have a feature request, a bug report, or even a question, please open an issue on GitHub.