devices.py contains the Motor and Sensor classes.
Each sensor type has its own class, derived from the base Sensor class.
Motor and sensor classes implement Direct Commands in a way that simplifies
the interaction with the EV3 devices.
Author: Eduardo Nigro
rev 0.0.3
import numpy as np
import time
[docs]class Motor:
The class to represent the EV3 motor.
Set up a motor on output port ``'B'``
>>> from pyev3.brick import LegoEV3
>>> from pyev3.devices import Motor
>>> myev3 = LegoEV3(commtype='usb')
>>> mymotor = Motor(myev3, port='B')
Set up a motor on output port ``'A'`` of the first brick and port ``'B'``
of the second brick
>>> mymotor1 = Motor(myev3, layer=1, port='A')
>>> mymotor2 = Motor(myev3, layer=2, port='B')
:param ev3handle: ``LegoEV3`` instance representing the EV3 brick.
:type ev3handle: object
:param layer:
The layer of the brick ``1`` or ``2`` in a daisy-chain
:type layer: int
:param port:
The brick output port connected to the motor.
Possible values are ``'A'``, ``'B'``, ``'C'``, or ``'D'``.
:type port: str
.. note::
1. If EV3 bricks are connected in a daisy-chain configuration,
set the input parameter `layer` to the appropriate number.
def __init__(self, ev3handle, layer=1, port='A'):
Class constructor.
# Assigning input attributes
self._ev3handle = ev3handle
self._layer = layer
self._outputport = port
# Assigning default attributes
self._motorstopped = True
self._outputmode = 'power'
self._output = 0
def outputmode(self):
Contains the motor output mode.
It can be either ``'speed'`` or ``'power'`` (`read/write`).
The motor has to be stopped before switching modes.
return self._outputmode
def outputmode(self, value):
if self._motorstopped:
if value.lower() == 'speed':
self._outputmode = 'speed'
elif value.lower() == 'power':
self._outputmode = 'power'
raise NameError('Invalid output type.')
print('Stop motor to change output mode.')
def output(self):
Contains the motor output level as a percentage.
Values can be between ``-100`` or ``100`` (`read/write`).
return self._output
def output(self, value):
# Limiting value or changing data type
if value > 100:
value = 100
elif value < -100:
value = -100
value = np.int8(value)
# Sending appropriate output level command to EV3 brick
if self.outputmode == 'power':
layer=self._layer, port=self._outputport, power=value)
elif self.outputmode == 'speed':
layer=self._layer, port=self._outputport, speed=value)
# Updating Output property
self._output = value
def angle(self):
Contains the angular position of the motor in degrees (`read only`).
return self._ev3handle._get_outputcount(
layer=self._layer, port=self._outputport)
def angle(self, _):
print('"angle" is a read only property.')
[docs] def start(self):
Start the EV3 motor.
>>> mymotor.start()
# Making sure current output mode is sent to EV3 brick
if self.outputmode == 'power':
layer=self._layer, port=self._outputport, power=self.output)
elif self.outputmode == 'speed':
layer=self._layer, port=self._outputport, speed=self.output)
# Changing motor stopped status flag
self._motorstopped = False
# Starting motor
layer=self._layer, port=self._outputport)
[docs] def stop(self, brake='off'):
Stop the EV3 motor.
:param brake:
The brake option of the motor ``'on'`` or ``'off'``.
Can be used to hold the motor position.
:type brake: str
>>> mymotor.stop(brake='on')
# Changing motor stopped status flag
self._motorstopped = True
# Stopping motor with appropriate brake option
layer=self._layer, port=self._outputport, brake=brake)
[docs] def reset_angle(self):
Reset the encoder output angle of the EV3 motor.
>>> mymotor.reset_angle()
layer=self._layer, port=self._outputport)
class Sensor:
The Sensor class implements common methods for all the different types
of EV3 sensors. The following properties and methods are inherited by
the derived sensor-specific classes.
.. note::
1. The sensor input mode can be changed at any time,
even after its creation.
def __init__(self, ev3handle, layer=1, portnum=1):
Class constructor.
:param ev3handle: ``LegoEV3`` instance representing the EV3 brick.
:type ev3handle: object
:param layer:
The layer of the brick ``1`` or ``2`` in adaisy-chain
:type layer: int
:param portnum:
The brick input port connected to the sensor.
Possible values are ``1``, ``2``, ``3``, or ``4``.
:type portnum: int
# Assigning input attributes
self._ev3handle = ev3handle
self._layer = layer
self._inputport = portnum
# Assigning sensor specific attributes
self._sensortype, self.activemode = self._ev3handle._read_inputdevicetypemode(
layer=self._layer, portnum=self._inputport)
# Getting sensor info and separating name from mode
nameaux = self._ev3handle._read_inputdevicename(
layer=self._layer, portnum=self._inputport)
indexaux = nameaux.find('-')
# Assigning sensor name and active mode attributes
if indexaux < 0:
self._sensorname = 'TOUCH'
self._activemodename = nameaux
self._sensorname = nameaux[0:indexaux]
self._activemodename = nameaux[indexaux+1::]
# Creating default generic sensor attributes
self._inputmode = None
self._outputformat = None
self._mode = None
self._dataset = None
# Creating sensor info dictionary
self._info = {
'TOUCH': ['Touch', ['touch', 'bump']],
'COL': ['Color', ['reflected', 'ambient', 'color', 'rgb']],
'RGB': ['Color', ['reflected', 'ambient', 'color', 'rgb']],
'US': ['Ultrasonic', ['distance', 'listen']],
'IR': ['Infrared', ['proximity', 'seeker', 'remote']],
'GYRO': ['Gyro', ['angle', 'rate', 'angle&rate']]
def inputmode(self):
Contains the sensor input mode.
Use this to change the mode on the fly (`read/write`).
return self._inputmode
def inputmode(self, value):
if value in list(self.modepar.keys()):
self._inputmode = value
self._outputformat = self.modepar[value][0]
self._mode = self.modepar[value][1]
self._dataset = self.modepar[value][2]
# Forcing mode change
_ = self._read_output()
nameaux = self._info[self._sensorname][0]
raise NameError('Undefined input mode for ' + nameaux + ' sensor.')
def display_info(self):
Displays a summary with the sensor information.
print('Sensor Name : ' + self._info[self._sensorname][0])
print('Current Mode : ' + self.inputmode)
print('Available Modes : ' + str(self._info[self._sensorname][1])[1:-1])
print('Layer : ' + str(self._layer))
print('Port Number : ' + str(self._inputport))
def _read_output(self):
""" Read generic sensor output value. """
# Assigning sensor output reader method
if self._outputformat == 1:
reader = self._ev3handle._read_inputdevicereadySI
elif self._outputformat == 2:
reader = self._ev3handle._read_inputdevicereadyPCT
elif self._outputformat == 3:
reader = self._ev3handle._read_inputdevicereadyRAW
# Reading sensor output
result = reader(
layer=self._layer, portnum=self._inputport,
mode=self._mode, dataset=self._dataset)
while result is None:
result = reader(
layer=self._layer, portnum=self._inputport,
mode=self._mode, dataset=self._dataset)
return result
def _clear_changes(self):
layer=self._layer, portnum=self._inputport)
[docs]class Touch(Sensor):
The class to represent the EV3 touch sensor.
Set up a touch sensor on port number 1
>>> from pyev3.brick import LegoEV3
>>> from pyev3.devices import Touch
>>> myev3 = LegoEV3(commtype='usb')
>>> mysensor = Touch(myev3, portnum=1, inputmode='bump')
:param ev3handle: ``LegoEV3`` instance representing the EV3 brick.
:type ev3handle: object
:param layer:
The layer of the brick ``1`` or ``2`` in a daisy-chain
:type layer: int
:param portnum:
The brick input port connected to the sensor.
Possible values are ``1``, ``2``, ``3``, or ``4``.
:type portnum: int
:param inputmode:
* ``'touch'`` to check the button state (`pressed or released`)
* ``'bump'`` to count the number of press/release events
:type inputmode: str
def __init__(self, ev3handle, layer=1, portnum=1, inputmode='touch'):
Class constructor.
# Defining touch sensor mode parameters
# [outputformat, mode, dataset]
self.modepar = {
'touch': [1, 0, 1],
'bump': [1, 1, 1]
# Instantiating base class Sensor
super(Touch, self).__init__(ev3handle, layer=layer, portnum=portnum)
# Checking for valid sensor
if self._info[self._sensorname][0] != 'Touch':
raise NameError('Incorrect sensor type on port : ' + str(portnum))
# Assining sensor specific attributes
self.inputmode = inputmode
def output(self):
Contains the sensor output based on the `inputmode` (`read only`).
* ``1`` or ``0`` (`inputmode='touch'`)
* ``int`` (`inputmode='bump'`)
data = self._read_output()
result = int(data[0])
return result
def output(self, _):
print('"output" is a read only property.')
[docs] def reset_count(self):
Reset the touch sensor event counter.
>>> mysensor.reset_count()
return self._clear_changes()
[docs]class Color(Sensor):
The class to represent the EV3 color sensor.
Set up a color sensor on port number 2
>>> from pyev3.brick import LegoEV3
>>> from pyev3.devices import Color
>>> myev3 = LegoEV3(commtype='usb')
>>> mysensor = Color(myev3, portnum=2, inputmode='rgb')
:param ev3handle: ``LegoEV3`` instance representing the EV3 brick.
:type ev3handle: object
:param layer:
The layer of the brick ``1`` or ``2`` in a daisy-chain
:type layer: int
:param portnum:
The brick input port connected to the sensor.
Possible values are ``1``, ``2``, ``3``, or ``4``.
:type portnum: int
:param inputmode:
* ``'ambient'`` ambient light intensity
* ``'reflected'`` reflected light intensity
* ``'color'`` surface color
* ``'rgb'`` surface color RGB components
:type inputmode: str
def __init__(self, ev3handle, layer=1, portnum=1, inputmode='ambient'):
Class constructor.
# Defining color sensor mode parameters
# [outputformat, mode, dataset]
self.modepar = {
'reflected': [2, 0, 1],
'ambient': [2, 1, 1],
'color': [1, 2, 1],
'rgb': [3, 4, 3]
# Instantiating base class Sensor
super(Color, self).__init__(ev3handle, layer=layer, portnum=portnum)
# Checking for valid sensor
if self._info[self._sensorname][0] != 'Color':
raise NameError('Incorrect sensor type on port : ' + str(portnum))
# Assining sensor specific attributes
self.inputmode = inputmode
# Defining color list
self._color = [
def output(self):
Contains the sensor output based on the `inputmode` (`read only`).
* ``0`` to ``100`` (`inputmode='ambient'`)
* ``0`` to ``100`` (`inputmode='reflected'`)
* ``'blue'``, ``'green'``, ``'yellow'``, ``'red'``, ``'white'``, ``'brown'``, ``'unknown'`` (`inputmode='color'`)
* tuple of integers (``0`` to ``255``, ``0`` to ``255``, ``0`` to ``255``) (`inputmode='rgb'`)
data = self._read_output()
if self._inputmode == 'reflected':
result = int(data[0])
elif self._inputmode == 'ambient':
result = int(data[0])
elif self._inputmode == 'color':
result = self._color[int(data[0])]
elif self._inputmode == 'rgb':
result = tuple([min(255, int(value)) for value in data])
return result
def output(self, _):
print('"output" is a read only property.')
[docs]class Ultrasonic(Sensor):
The class to represent the EV3 ultrasonic sensor.
Set up an ultrasonic sensor on port number 3
>>> from pyev3.brick import LegoEV3
>>> from pyev3.devices import Ultrasonic
>>> myev3 = LegoEV3(commtype='usb')
>>> mysensor = Ultrasonic(myev3, portnum=3, inputmode='distance')
:param ev3handle: ``LegoEV3`` instance representing the EV3 brick.
:type ev3handle: object
:param layer:
The layer of the brick ``1`` or ``2`` in a daisy-chain
:type layer: int
:param portnum:
The brick input port connected to the sensor.
Possible values are ``1``, ``2``, ``3``, or ``4``.
:type portnum: int
:param inputmode:
* ``'distance'`` measure distance to an object in cm
* ``'listen'`` detect presence of other ultrasound source
:type inputmode: str
def __init__(self, ev3handle, layer=1, portnum=1, inputmode=None):
Class constructor.
# Defining ultrasonic sensor mode parameters
# [outputformat, mode, dataset]
self.modepar = {
'distance': [1, 0, 1],
'listen': [1, 2, 1]
# Instantiating base class Sensor
super(Ultrasonic, self).__init__(ev3handle, layer=layer, portnum=portnum)
# Checking for valid sensor
if self._info[self._sensorname][0] != 'Ultrasonic':
raise NameError('Incorrect sensor type on port : ' + str(portnum))
# Assining sensor specific attributes
self.inputmode = inputmode
def output(self):
Contains the sensor output based on the `inputmode` (`read only`).
* ``0`` to ``250`` (`inputmode='distance'`)
* ``0`` or ``1`` (`inputmode='listen'`)
data = self._read_output()
if self._inputmode == 'distance':
result = np.float32(data[0])
elif self._inputmode == 'listen':
result = int(data[0])
return result
def output(self, _):
print('"output" is a read only property.')
[docs]class Infrared(Sensor):
The class to represent the EV3 infrared sensor.
Set up an infrared sensor on port number 4
>>> from pyev3.brick import LegoEV3
>>> from pyev3.devices import Infrared
>>> myev3 = LegoEV3(commtype='usb')
>>> mysensor = Infrared(myev3, portnum=4, inputmode='remote')
:param ev3handle: ``LegoEV3`` instance representing the EV3 brick.
:type ev3handle: object
:param layer:
The layer of the brick ``1`` or ``2`` in a daisy-chain
:type layer: int
:param portnum:
The brick input port connected to the sensor.
Possible values are ``1``, ``2``, ``3``, or ``4``.
:type portnum: int
:param inputmode:
* ``'proximity'`` detect proximity to an object
* ``'seeker'`` searches beacon (`requires channel 1 and beacon on`)
* ``'remote'`` takes remote control input
:type inputmode: str
def __init__(self, ev3handle, layer=1, portnum=1, inputmode='proximity'):
Class constructor.
# Defining infrared sensor mode parameters
# [outputformat, mode, dataset]
self.modepar = {
'proximity': [1, 0, 1],
'seeker': [1, 1, 2],
'remote': [1, 2, 4]
# Instantiating base class Sensor
super(Infrared, self).__init__(ev3handle, layer=layer, portnum=portnum)
# Checking for valid sensor
if self._info[self._sensorname][0] != 'Infrared':
raise NameError('Incorrect sensor type on port : ' + str(portnum))
# Assining sensor specific attributes
self.inputmode = inputmode
def output(self):
Contains the sensor output based on the `inputmode` (`read only`).
* ``0`` to ``100`` (`inputmode='proximity'`)
* tuple of integers (``azymuth``, ``proximity``) (`inputmode='seeker'`)
* tuple of integers (``channel``, ``buttoncode``) (`inputmode='remote'`)
* channel ``1``, ``2``, ``3``, ``4``
* buttoncode
* ``0`` = No button
* ``1`` = Button 1
* ``2`` = Button 2
* ``3`` = Button 3
* ``4`` = Button 4
* ``5`` = Buttons 1 and 3
* ``6`` = Buttons 1 and 4
* ``7`` = Buttons 2 and 3
* ``8`` = Buttons 2 and 4
* ``9`` = Beacon Mode is on
* ``10`` = Buttons 1 and 2
* ``11`` = Buttons 3 and 4
data = self._read_output()
if self._inputmode == 'proximity':
result = int(data[0])
elif self._inputmode == 'seeker':
if not np.isnan(data[1]):
result = (int(data[0]), int(data[1]))
raise NameError('Incorrect remote channel or beacon is off.')
elif self._inputmode == 'remote':
index = np.nonzero(data)[0]
if len(index) > 0:
channel = index[0]+1
button = int(data[index[0]])
result = (channel, button)
result = (0, 0)
return result
def output(self, _):
print('"output" is a read only property.')
[docs]class Gyro(Sensor):
The class to represent the EV3 gyro sensor.
Set up a gyro sensor on port number 1
>>> from pyev3.brick import LegoEV3
>>> from pyev3.devices import Gyro
>>> myev3 = LegoEV3(commtype='usb')
>>> mysensor = Gyro(myev3, portnum=1, inputmode='rate')
:param ev3handle: ``LegoEV3`` instance representing the EV3 brick.
:type ev3handle: object
:param layer:
The layer of the brick ``1`` or ``2`` in a daisy-chain
:type layer: int
:param portnum:
The brick input port connected to the sensor.
Possible values are ``1``, ``2``, ``3``, or ``4``.
:type portnum: int
:param inputmode:
* ``'angle'`` angular position in deg
* ``'rate'`` angular speed up to 440 deg/s
* ``'angle&rate'`` angular position and rate
:type inputmode: str
def __init__(self, ev3handle, layer=1, portnum=1, inputmode='angle'):
Class constructor.
# Defining gyro sensor mode parameters
# [outputformat, mode, dataset]
self.modepar = {
'angle': [1, 0, 1],
'rate': [1, 1, 1],
'angle&rate': [1, 3, 2]
# Instantiating base class Sensor
super(Gyro, self).__init__(ev3handle, layer=layer, portnum=portnum)
# Checking for valid sensor
if self._info[self._sensorname][0] != 'Gyro':
raise NameError('Incorrect sensor type on port : ' + str(portnum))
# Assining sensor specific attributes
self.inputmode = inputmode
def output(self):
Contains the sensor output based on the `inputmode` (`read only`).
* integer ``angle`` (`inputmode='angle'`)
* integer ``rate`` (`inputmode='rate'`)
* tuple of integers (``angle``, ``rate``) (`inputmode='angle&rate'`)
data = self._read_output()
if self._inputmode == 'angle':
result = int(data[0])
elif self._inputmode == 'rate':
result = int(data[0])
elif self._inputmode == 'angle&rate':
result = (int(data[0]), int(data[1]))
return result
def output(self, _):
print('"output" is a read only property.')