T7 Streaming (external clock)

This example code shows the usage of an external clock for data streaming. External clocks are particularly useful for rotary machines or internal combustion engines, where most phenomena are a function of the angular position of the shaft.

""" t7_streaming_external.py

Collects cycle data using an external clock.

The external clock is generated using the output of a simple encoder, or
one of the phases of a quadrature encoder, connected to digital port CIO3.
The train of pulses allows for data to be collected as a function of angular
position, independent of angular speed. This is typically used for rotary

A closed-loop PI controller aiming for a buffer backlog defined by the user
is used to account for oscilations in angular velocity. This is accomplished
by adjusting the duration of the wait between blocks of data in real time.
Once the streaming starts, data must be pulled from the LabJack buffer at the
appropriate rate to avoid an overflow. The PI loop is especially useful for
extended periods of data acquisition.

The `readrate` value must be selected so that the PI controller can have a
good reponse. Values between 0.2 and 1.0 seconds seem appropriate.
For example, for an expected angular speed of 360 rpm, and a block sample
period of 0.5 seconds, the `readrate` can be calculated as follows:

    readrate (rev) = 360 (rev/min) / 60 (s/min) * 0.5 (s) = 3

Each block will contain `readrate` complete revolutions, each one with PPR
(pulses per revolution) data points for each one of the measured channels.

The `backlogSP` parameter defines the T7 backlog set point. Values around
25 % seem reaonable. However, `backlogSP` and the PI gains `kp` and `ki`
should be adjusted accordingly based on the application and how unsteady the
angular speed is.

A trigger port can be used so the angular ZERO position (and subsequent 360
degree increments) line up with the trigger position. That can be accomplished
by using the Z phase of a quadrature encoder, in this case, connected to the
digital port DIO1.

    You will need:
    - Electric motor (I used a CQRobot DC 6V-183RPM/12V-366RPM)
    - An encoder with a Z phase (I used a CALT GHS38 rotary encoder)
    - A 12V variable power supply (so you can adjust the motor speed)
    Phase A of the encoder is connected to CIO3 (the external clock source)
    Phase Z is connected to DIO1 (the trigger reference marker)

The LabJack methods in this example are:
    set_stream ....... Sets LabJack configuration for data streaming
    get_stream ....... Gets streaming data
    stop_stream ...... Stops data streaming
    close ............ Closes the LabJack device

import time
import numpy as np
from labjack_unified.utils import plot_line
from labjack_unified.devices import LabJackT7
# Make sure the motor is already running before you run this program!
# Assigning streaming parameters
speed0 = 240 # Expected angular speed (rpm)
readrate = 2 # Number of revolutions per read block
nblocks = 100 # Number of blocks to acquire
nmax = 4 # Maximum number of blocks for plotting
ppr = 1000 # Encoder's pulses per revolution
# Assining ports
portlist = ['DIO1']
porttrigger = 'DIO1'
# Creating array with dummy values to enable concatenation
data = np.zeros((1, len(portlist)))
# Preallocating output speed
speed = []

# PI closed loop control of "backlog" size
backlogSP = 25 # Desired "backlog" value (%)
backlog = [] # Backlog data
kp = 0.001 # Proportional gain
ki = 0.0001 # Integral gain
eprev = 0 # Previous error value
uprev = 1 # Previous execution period adjustment factor

# Calculating block duration (s)
Ts = 60 * readrate/speed0
# Opening LabJack
lj = LabJackT7()
# Closing motor relay
lj.set_analog('DAC0', 5)
# Configuring streaming
lj.set_stream(portlist, scanrate=ppr, readrate=readrate,
                clocksource='EXT', exttrigger=porttrigger)
# Waiting for first block to become available
# Executing acquisition loop
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(nblocks):
    # Starting overhead time watch
    tstart = time.time()
    # Getting one block of data
    dt, datablock, numscans, commbacklog, devbacklog = lj.get_stream()
    # Appending only last `nmax`
    if i >= nblocks-nmax:
        data = np.vstack((data, datablock))
    # Calculating and storing angular speed
    # Calculating backlog error to set point value
    e = backlogSP - devbacklog
    # Calculating execution period adjustment factor
    u = uprev + kp*(e-eprev) + ki*Ts*e
    # Updating previous values
    eprev = e
    uprev = u
    # Storing backlog
    # Showing statistics
    print('Block :', i+1)
    print('Scans :', numscans)
    print('Comm Backlog : {:0.1f}'.format(commbacklog))
    print('U3 Backlog   : {:0.1f}'.format(devbacklog))
    print('Speed (rpm)  : {:0.1f}'.format(speed[-1]))
    # Pausing taking into account overhead and
    # trying to control to a desired backlogSP
    thead = time.time() - tstart
    time.sleep(max(0, u*(Ts-thead)))
# Stopping streaming
# Opening motor relay
lj.set_analog('DAC0', 0)
# Closing LabJack
del lj

# Removing first row of dummy data
data = data[1:-1, :]
# Creating angle array
ang = 360/ppr * np.linspace(0, data.shape[0]-1, data.shape[0])
# Setting x and y arrays for plotting
naxes = len(portlist)
x = [ang] * naxes
y = [data[:, i] for i in range(naxes)]
# Plotting results
plot_line(x, y, xname='Angle (deg.)', yname=portlist)
plot_line([np.arange(nblocks)], [speed], xname='Block Number',
        yname=['Motor Speed (rpm)'])
plot_line([np.arange(nblocks)], [backlog], xname='Block Number',
        yname=['LabJack Backlog (%)'])