Utils ===== Contains a useful plotting function that is used in the coding examples. The function was built using `Plotly `__ instead of `Matplotlib `__ due to its interactive graphs. It works well in an interactive session in `VSCode `__. In terminal mode, the results are displayed in a web browser. .. autofunction:: utils.plot_line >>> import numpy as np >>> from labjack_unified.utils import plot_line >>> t = np.linspace(0,2,100) >>> y0 = np.sin(1*np.pi*t) >>> y1 = np.cos(1*np.pi*t) >>> plot_line([t], [y0], yname='sin( pi x t )', marker=True) .. image:: ../images/utils-1.png >>> plot_line([t]*2, [y0, y1], yname=['sin & cos'], legend=['sin(pi x t)', 'cos(pi x t)']) .. image:: ../images/utils-2.png >>> plot_line([t]*2, [y0, y1], yname=['sin( pi x t )', 'cos(pi x t)'], axes='multi') .. image:: ../images/utils-3.png