Streaming ========= In this example :ref:`code `, data is acquired at 50,000 Samples/s, for two consecutive 0.5 s blocks. On a **LabJack U3**, two 183 Hz PWM signals are generated on ports **FIO4** and **FIO5**, and streamed into **AIN0** and **AIN1**, repectively. .. image:: ../../images/lj_streaming_fig_1.png .. _codestreaming: .. code-block:: python """ Collects streaming data. Data is acquired at a user-defined `samplerate` up to 50000 Samples/s on a U3 or a U6, and 100000 Samples/s on a T7. The effective sampling rate per channel is `samplerate` divided by the number of channels. Data blocks are collected at a user-defined `readrate` in seconds. Typical values of 0.5 seconds are used for high sample rates. Setup: In this example code, 2 PWM signals are generated on the following ports: FIO4 and FIO5 on a U3 FIO0 and FIO1 on a U6 FIO0 and FIO4 on a T7 which in turn should be connected respectively to ports AIN0 and AIN1. The LabJack unified methods in this example are: set_PWM .......... Sets LabJack configuration for PWM output set_dutycycle .... Sets duty cycle of PWM output (-100 to 100) set_stream ....... Sets LabJack configuration for data streaming get_stream ....... Gets streaming data stop_stream ...... Stops data streaming close ............ Closes the LabJack device """ import time import numpy as np from labjack_unified.utils import plot_line from labjack_unified.devices import LabJackU3, LabJackU6, LabJackT7 # To use a LabJack U6 or a T7, change the device name # from LabJackU3 below to either LabJackU6 or LabJackT7 lj = LabJackU3() # Assigning streaming parameters samplerate = 50000 # Samples/s readrate = 0.5 # Block size (s) nblocks = 2 # Number of acquired blocks portlist = ['AIN0', 'AIN1'] # Creating array with dummy values to enable concatenation data = np.zeros((1, len(portlist))) # Setting a PWM output lj.set_pwm(pwmnum=2, frequency=183) lj.set_dutycycle(value1=25, value2=50) # Configuring and starting streaming lj.set_stream(portlist, scanrate=samplerate, readrate=readrate) # Waiting for first block to become available time.sleep(readrate) # Executing acquisition loop for i in range(nblocks): # Starting computational overhead time watch t0 = time.time() # Getting one block of data dt, datablock, numscans, commbacklog, U3backlog = lj.get_stream() # Concatenating new data data = np.vstack((data, datablock)) # Showing statistics print('Block :', i+1) print('Scans :', numscans) print('Comm Backlog : {:0.1f}'.format(commbacklog)) print('U3 Backlog : {:0.1f}'.format(U3backlog)) # Pausing taking into account computation overhead thead = time.time()-t0 time.sleep(readrate-thead) # Stopping streaming lj.stop_stream() # Closing LabJack lj.close() del lj # Removing first row of dummy data data = data[1::, :] # Creating time array t = dt * np.linspace(0, data.shape[0]-1, data.shape[0]) # Setting x and y arrays for plotting naxes = len(portlist) x = [t] * naxes y = [data[:, i] for i in range(naxes)] # Plotting results plot_line(x, y, yname=portlist, axes='multi')